April 28, 2009

This or that? Make up your mind!

"So, who can tell me the features of a normal thyroid gland?" asked the professor.

Aku pelik. Gambar kat depan tunjuk slide prostate, asal dia dok tanye thyroid pulak. Fine lah, bagi chance. Jawab lah kami apa itu thyroid.

"The thyroid consists of follicles," answered one of us. Prof buat muka. Sudah.

"No! The prostate has no follicles! The thyroid has follicles, not the prostate!" the prof explained. Kami tergelak. Bukan aku lah, aku pandai control bila nak tergelak. Fine, aku tersengih. Bad move guys, korunk dah buat prof naik angin. But who are we to be blamed? Even the assistant professor smiled at the honest mistake. :P

So, the professor asked again, with a raised voice this time, "What is the picture of a normal thyroid??!" Dengan bijaknya, kitorang jawab lah, "The prostate consists of a capsule and parenchyma. And the parenchyma has acinis which are separated by a connective tissue stroma." Heh.

"Excellent! Wake up! Don't sleep in the morning!" Aku cuma mampu tergelak. Terlepas minum kopi kot prof aku pagi ni. Hahaha.


Anonymous April 28, 2009 at 12:09 PM  

lawak lawak!! haha... kalo seksyen ak mesti semua berpandangan dan membalas pandangan sesama sendiri...

Johannas April 28, 2009 at 10:29 PM  

Serious lawak. Haha.

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