Malam Pesta Muda Mudi
People say pictures show a thousand meanings. So, enjoy these. :)
Especially to all Section 1 guys, you guys are awesome! ;)
Too bad the battery ran out before the eating starts. Sigh.
Anyway, this is the first time I became a photographer. So gambar-gambar ni pun dok edit biase2 je. Comments are most welcomed. :) Oh and thanks to pokyan for borrowing his 1000D. Tahun depan kalau uat lagi, pakai sendiri punye of course. ;)
Anyway, this is the first time I became a photographer. So gambar-gambar ni pun dok edit biase2 je. Comments are most welcomed. :) Oh and thanks to pokyan for borrowing his 1000D. Tahun depan kalau uat lagi, pakai sendiri punye of course. ;)
great pics, really enjoyed the night! bangga jd chef masak dalcha itu mlm! hahaha
p/s: I've linked ur blog from mine.
terbaik la semalam joe!
Malam Pesta Muda Mudi.
Tertanye2 aku, sapekah mudi2nye?
anip ke? hahaha.
jangan pk laen,ces. haha.
Otak biru tol.
@Zainal - Thanks. And I've linked yours to mine too.
@Burn - Memang terbaik ah! Leh uat lagi nih. Haha.
@Penkt - Org nampak ape yang dia nak fikir. So kne sound awal2 ah jgn bagi dorg fikir gtu. Hehe.
ini jamuan sec 1 yg diberi nama MALAM PESTA MUDA MUDI.
antara program:
1) bakar2 satey
2) tayangan filem ombak
3) show oleh che adek ngn asab.
btwkami sagt enjoy! terima kasih kpd semua yg terlibat,,
*kpd akhawat sec 1 bakar jaguung nnti kasi la sikit2.=p
Haha. Penat mu bakar smlm ji. Smpai marah2 kt si kudin makan lambat. :P
semoga ukhuawah kita berkekalan..terima kasih kpd semua!peace!
*tema ader gak pakai bju merah..haha*
tema black mlaysia ke weyh?
1blackalex sebenarnye. Ade kne humban masok ISA karang. :P
dalcha makan ng ape?
sate nmpak nyum2.
nk nyebok kan..=)
sate terbaek!
Oh gosh. Dengki gile ok.
LOL @ jangan pikir lain.
Hehe, great pics, well done. :)
Glad you had fun.
@miss berlian - makan ngan nasi ape tah. :P
@anonymous - sayang sate ayam xbanyak doh. kalau x mmg lagi terbaek ah! ;)
@Maz - Haha, its just a yearly thing Maz. Every other class was doing it, so we simply thought, why dont we have it too? :P But yeah, it was a blast. :)
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