NOKIA!! !@#@!(@*!!& !!
Urh! Handset yang aku baru pakai tak sampai setahun dah KO! Dulu pn sebenarnya dh tunjuk tanda2 nak nazak, but aku uat endah tak endah sbb still elok. Malangnye, pagi tadi aku bangun, bende alah tu dah memang xle nak diselamatkn. Haih. Nasib baik ade handset lame aku yang still elok walaupun dah 4 TAHUN LEBIH AKU PAKAI! Anehnya, handset lame aku tu nokia gak. Mcm haram tol. Jgn harap lah aku nak bli handset baru. Lagi rela jadi kuno. (gurau2) :P
Hmmm. Ok, dah. Lega lepaskan geram. Hehehe.
So, I guess it's been awhile people! I finished my last midterms of the semester about 3 days back and I sort of overindulged myself with movies, games, reading about photography etc. I was doing everything except medicine. Lol. Fortunately, I've come to my senses and guess what? I've started preparing for my finals. Yeah yeah, its still a month away but my conscience tells me that it is best if I start out early and give myself a good headstart. Maklumlah, IT IS my last final exam of my preclinical years. Rase chuak tu lebih2 pulak. Hehe. How fast time flies, right? ;)
Anyway, after the midterms the other day, some of my friends and I, went to hang out at the beach. Agak seronok lah jga. Hehe. Serious mase balik tu lenguh gle badan. Tu lah pasal, sape suruh gi berenang sampai tengah. Main tolak tarik ngan ombak lah akibatnye. :P
joe..pasni ni beli la sony duh..aku pakai sblm aku fly..sehat walafiat je.ehehe
dah2 p studi nuh =)
Hehe, thanks for the advise. Tgk lh cmne nnt, slagi handset lme nih still berdering, slagi tu ak xkn g usha kdai handset. :P
bli iphone...
lg best...haha
Ko try bli tgk. Dah ah nk dslr lagi. Gewe gewe.
mana gambar aku? huhu
anyway it was great time spent together since i cant recall when. looking forward to another one (after final perhaps? miami looks enticing hehe)
-rum8 che :D
Hehe mat. Kne mntk che upload gmbr kt fb lah since ade byk lg gmbr dlm camera ko. Slack xde amik gmbr ko ngn bakri gak pkai handset aku.
Tp mmg terbaekk lah aritu. Pas finals plk jom!
Gambatte mat! :D
dh la xajk g mndi...
ape daa.........
mmmmm, beli 3310 je...
cam aku...
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